Some times ago I installed the 4.16 version of Unreal. I had never try it before today on this computer.
So, today I transfered one of my project on this computer (I had made it on another computer). When I try to launch it is blocked at 45% each time. First I search on the web and I find that I need to verified my version. So I did it. After that I try again and it was the same… I try to create a project to see if it will be the same problem. This time it was blocked at 91%.
So, what can I do ? As I said I have already verified my version…
Thank you very much !
I’m sorry for my mistakes but I am french and I don’t speak english very well…
Try deleting the Binaries, Build, Intermediate and Saved folders and the .sln file. Then try re-generating the project files and opening the project again to rebuild it, and leaving it for a while to open.
Thank you for your answer. I have deleted the intermediate and saved folder as you say.
But, what are the .sln file ? I don’t find sln file in my project folder…
Also I don’t know what are the Binaries and Build folders…
Can you help me to find them ?
When you create your project, wherever you save you projects there’ll be a folder called ‘YourProjectName’. In that folder there is usually the folders: Build, Binaries, Content, Intermediate, Saved, Source. The Build, Binaries, Intermediate and Saved folders are created when you build the project so you can delete them.
If you’re using windows then the .sln file is your projects solution (code) generated when you build the project (usually by Visual Studio).
Right click on your .uproject file and press ‘Generate Visual Studio project files’. Wait for that to finish and then try opening your project again. If that doesn’t work try opening the newly generated .sln file and opening it from Visual Studio (or whatever compiler you’re using).