I’m trying to create a level with a large town in it. When I say large town, I mean a town made up of medieval model buildings (+ props) that would number more or less a thousand buildings. The level is for desktop only.
Do you think UE will handle it? Is there anything that I can do to make it run? Maybe some culling mechanism? Is it even feasible?
I’m a newb to this thing, and I’m trying to get the general idea of what such a thing would entail.
It looks like all the assets that I bought already come with LOD setup, which is great.
What about distance? Suppose I look at the city from, say, a cliff. I heard that there are techniques to essentially turn the meshes into a 2D texture. Does it happen automatically, or is it something that I need to look into? Or, am I talking rubbish here?
The turning a 3d model in a 2d sheet that faces the viewer is called billboard. You can see such examples in the Epic landscape mountain demo or if you use speedtree you have the option to create LODs and billboards in one go and export them to UEd.