I downloaded the latest version of the UE4 4.11 preview last night & copied over an existing project that I was working on. The issue came up today when I went to edit the landscape with paint, and noticed that the editor only recognizes the first click. Anything after, i.e holding the left-M, does nothing, and I have to re-click to get any results. I started a new project and the tools work in 4.11, and I opened the same project from yesterday in 4.10 – the tools work as well. Not sure if this would help any but here’s a a ‘play in editor’ error that’s showing in my log.
I have the same issue in UE4.11.2 . I can only edit the landscape by clicking multiple times (instead of keeping a mouse button pressed and dragging the mouse around to form mountains and such).
Any solutions to this yet? Was this confirmed as an official bug?
I’m still having this problem in 4.12.5 and it’s making detailed landscape modding almost impossible.This is currently killing my development progress. I know you guys are crazy busy and you’ve done some amazing work so far but I would love a reaction from the Unreal crew so that we know if we can solve this issue on our own or not. I’ve had this problem even when I open up a brand new project. Please let us know what’s going on, Thanks in advance!