Landscape Textures Not blending with RGB heightmap? help pls

Hi All,
Been stuck on this for days. Why is the landscape all green and not blending with this heightmap?

Landscape Actor Setup:
Created from R16 heightmap from World Machine
Plenty of green, blue, and some red,
Landscape is 2017x2017 ( Can’t show NDA) its a golf course all green, should show some other colors like blue, not blendig. no other colors on it…
Landscape has three layers under it (image attached)

Landscape Heightmap Texture Sample:
Created from PNG output from World Machine. Lots of Green, Blue and some Red.

I wired landscape layer coordinate (with x 2017 in it) to the Landscape Heightmap Texture Sample, then RGB to heights on Landscape layer blend ( each layer has heightmap layer)

Why is not this working?
