Keyboard with numbers

I need help, I have a keyboard and I would like to arrange them from the smallest to the largest of the 9 numbers generated, if you omit any of the numbers it is subtracted from the result, but if you arrange them perfectly, the numbers add up and create a kind of bonus that doubles the next value pointwise.
I do not have any starting point, I am asking for help.

When the user clicks the buttons, add the numbers to an array. When they have clicked 9, just compare both arrays.

Since a couple of engine versions ago, you can compare arrays with an = sign.

When the user clicks the buttons, add the numbers to an array. When they have clicked 9, just compare both arrays.

Since a couple of engine versions ago, you can compare arrays with an = sign.

In the beginning:

Each button ( something like ):

Test button:


Can you tell me where does “Sort Int Array” come from? I have the latest version and all I have is “Sort (Integer Array)” with no array output

Everything is already working, thank you for your help :slight_smile:

Ah! - sorry, it’s my own :slight_smile:

I can show you the code, or you can get a copy of:

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