Item granter buggin

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Hello everyone :slight_smile:

I have set when you have conquered a territory that the item granter gives gold. All events are linked, but sometimes it randomly doesn’t work or the gold is gone after 5 seconds.

Thank you and have a nice day

Steps to Reproduce

Capture Area Events: first of all i have multiply bcs it doesnt work. On Control Change Send Event To Item Granter / Grant Item. On Player Entering Zone Send Event To Item Granter / Grant Item. On Area Is Contested Send Event To Item Granter / Grant Item.

Item Granter: Modified Options:
On Grant Action: Keep All
Grant: All Items
Equip Granted Item: YES
Cycle Behavior: STOP
FUNCTION: Enable WHEN Receiving From Capture Area On Player Entering Zone
Grant Item when receiving from capture area on control change capture area on area is contested.

Expected Result

The granter has gold stored, i want it in my inventory so i can buy for e.x smth from a vending machine

Observed Result

when i get gold it goes away after about 5 seconds or i just dont get gold granted.



Additional Notes

i have 16 trackers, class selector and designer in my world and one team inv device. maybe it collides with this