I followed the directions to the “T” located in this video [here][1]
but when I got to the part where it said to copy the event graph blueprint from the HeroTTP Animation blueprint and paste it into the new characters blue print, I got a few error messages. I resolved a few but when I got to the transition point between jump start and jump loop, I opened it up and I found an error that would only let me read the section. I could not alter anything in the blueprint. Anybody know why?
Just re-create those parts. After that you should be abel to access them 
I found an easier way and that was to go into project settings–> maps and modes, and then I changed the character in there. I am trying to use some of the animations and character models that are free with the program, I got them to work with my gamemode but now that I am trying to design a hud for the character just for practice so I know how to do it when our character artist is done, some of the options are grey’d out. For example I made a Blueprint interface blueprint to create some of the information but after creating a function and setting up two float outputs, the return node and the function I made are gray’d out in the blueprint editor. I hope I explained that right im not very good at explaining things through text, Im sure you know that by now
okay i found a widget blueprint that will allow me to do what I am trying to do. The only issue left that I have problem right now is getting an image to be applied to that blueprint.