I have been trying to work with my project sky for quite some time now. When I try to Build the project, I get the following error:
Performance Warning BP_Skydome Large actor receives a pre-shadow and will cause an extreme performance hit unless bCastDynamicShadow is set to false.
My question is, how do I set the bCastDynamicShadow to False? I been looking on line for quite a while and not found any thing yet on how to do it. I find plenty on how to make it but not set to True or False.
So far I have tried disabling every thing I can find relating to any type of shadows including in the Blueprint and still have the same error message.
I’m not sure… at all. But maybe here in your example your BP_Skydome is lit dynamically, like a moveable/mobile object, and not like a static object.
Means that its shadows etc… will be calculated ingame, and not precalculated before playing (precalculated = lights and shadows written down by the baking).
So it’s a warning to make you understand that it will cost a lot in calcul just to do this when the game will be played.
To avoid this, your BP_Skydome must be treated as a static object by all the lights of your level (option “light as if static” in the detail panel of the instance of your BP_Skydome I think. Or search “Light as if static” anyway, a checkbox, inside the Blueprint window → Detail panel maybe).
Because it’s a Blueprint your BP_Skydome must have been set as a moveable/mobile object by default by the editor.
I’m sure there’s other possibilities to treat this and I hope you’ll receive other answers to your question.