Issue when the character starts to jump from a ledge

I’m using ACharacter class for a 2D platformer game. When the pawn (the main character) starts to jump form a ledge, it’s not able to land in the same position. I attached a video to show you what I mean:

The PerchRadiusThreshold parameter is set to 0 and CanWalkOffLedges is set to true. How can I change the behavior of the character when it lands in these situations?

I fixed this issue overriding UMovementComponent::GetPenetrationAdjustment() method:

FVector UPlatformCharacterMovementComponent::GetPenetrationAdjustment(const FHitResult& Hit) const
	FVector Result = FVector::ZeroVector;

	if (Hit.bStartPenetrating)
		if (const auto* CapsuleComponent = CharacterOwner->GetCapsuleComponent())
			float HalfHeight = CapsuleComponent->GetScaledCapsuleHalfHeight();
			FVector BaseLocation = Hit.Location + (HalfHeight * FVector::DownVector);
			if (Hit.ImpactPoint.Z >= BaseLocation.Z)
				if (Hit.ImpactPoint.Z <= (BaseLocation.Z + HalfHeight))
					Result = FVector::UpVector * (Hit.ImpactPoint.Z - BaseLocation.Z);

					// since we're overriding the UMovementComponent::GetPenetrationAdjustment implementation
					// then here we must execute the implementation of UCharacterMovementComponent::GetPenetrationAdjustment (afeter call to its Super class)
					if (CharacterOwner)
						const bool bIsProxy = (CharacterOwner->GetLocalRole() == ROLE_SimulatedProxy);
						float MaxDistance = bIsProxy ? MaxDepenetrationWithGeometryAsProxy : MaxDepenetrationWithGeometry;
						if (Hit.HitObjectHandle.DoesRepresentClass(APawn::StaticClass()))
							MaxDistance = bIsProxy ? MaxDepenetrationWithPawnAsProxy : MaxDepenetrationWithPawn;

						Result = Result.GetClampedToMaxSize(MaxDistance);

	if (Result.IsZero())
		// we execute the Super implementation because the overriden implementation has not been executed
		Result = Super::GetPenetrationAdjustment(Hit);

	return Result;