IsPackagedForDistribution() behaves differently on iOS

Why does iOS have a different implementation for IsPackagedForDistribution()?

And where is the “EpicPackagingMode” key set? The only reference in the engine code I can find is in IOSPlatformMisc.cpp


bool FIOSPlatformMisc::IsPackagedForDistribution()
    	static bool PackagingModeCmdLine = FParse::Param(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("PACKAGED_FOR_DISTRIBUTION"));
    	if (PackagingModeCmdLine)
    		return true;
    	NSString* PackagingMode = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"EpicPackagingMode"];
    	return PackagingMode != nil && [PackagingMode isEqualToString : @"Distribution"];


static bool IsPackagedForDistribution()
 	return true;
 	return false;