Is Unreal right for this project?

Completely new to here and to unreal in general. Also programming in general, so please don’t hurt me.

I’m a videographer and have an idea for a program that would generate photo montages without the need to go into AfterEffects/Motion or hassle with their crappy templates. What I’m thinking of would allow users to dump images in and ultimately generate a photo montage. That’s grossly oversimplified, but I know the other treatment/visual steps I have in mind can be done in Blender so they likely aren’t a real issue in Unreal.

I guess my question is this: is Unreal the place to create this standalone app/program where the user inputs are images and then there are sliders/toggles/radio buttons and finally at the end it generates video files to the user’s device?

I couldn’t find anything about this in the forum, though I was under the impression Epic plans for Unreal to power more than games. Any thoughts or input would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you for reading and cheers to the community,