So there is documentation about Networking and how to set up an UE4 dedicated server and connecting with console commands, but not so many real or practical implementation examples for a serious game.
I read somewhere that if you are to create a multiplayer game using a dedicated server design per match, you can use each port (1 to 65544 or so).
So what about this design:
- Player enters into a lobby and select create a new match room button.
- His client calls a RESTful service using blueprints for JSON web api communication. The api will check available ports and start a new dedicated server with an available port specified in the console command. If the instance was started successfully the database will store the allowed client username/ip and return a CREATED or NOT response.
- Other players will be able to request IP & port per available open match.
Sounds feasible/doable ?
Or is there a better approach?