Is there something i can use for a costum navmeshboundvolume?

Hey, is there any way to make a costum shape for the navmeshboundvolume, or some trick i can use to make my ai only move on my street?
I dont want to put a alot of blocking volumes on the map, since the green area wont rotate with the actual volume ( so i could just use multiple navmeshs ) and had to surround the playable map with that navmesh.

Anything i can do there ?

I might be completely worng, but why don’t you use a single volume to enclose the whole track?

I dont know if there is something i dont know or you got me wrong, sure i can use a single volume, but i have random movement for the ai and i dont want them to move somewhere else then just the road. thats why i said i dont want to use blocking volumes =)

Well, looking at the picture you posted you could just set the floor property “Can Ever Affect Navigation” to false so that it’s being ignored by the navigation system. That way only your tracks will be taken into account.