Is there a way to an object in your scene to use no shadow maps at all?

Is there a way to an object in your scene to use no shadow maps at all?

make it movable

make it movable

Obviously this is correct, but I’ll ask a followup question that I’ve always been curious about. Is a static object handled differently than a movable one in terms of performance? Like some other engines have static batching that makes static objects cost less than a dynamic one, so i’m wondering if an unlit (unbuilt) static object would technically be better if it was possible.

Nope, at least not that I know of. UE4 won’t perform any automatic draw batching. You CAN gain the benefits you’re talking about with (necessarily static) instanced static mesh components but that requires manual setup. Some other engines automatically batch objects into single draw calls; UE does not.

Thanks for the info :slight_smile: