Is there a way in BP to know if an actor was spawn dynamically or was already placed in the map?

Hi everyone,

I need to know, for saving purposes, if there were an unreal way to know if an actor was already here at the map’s startup or if it was spawned dynamically at runtime.

Or is there a way to make a different BeginPlay or Construct (or even maybe an overridable function called when the actor is spawned via “Spawn Actor From Class”).

Best regards everyone,


Yes, it will work, it was just to know if there were a way directly to know that inside Unreal.

But ok we will do that. Actually, it even will be better because we can also put an enum intead of a flag.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Would exposing a bool variable work? As in:


The flag is False by default and you can tick it when you spawn the actor. You could then query actors for that flag.

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