Is it possible to pan the result of a material network instead of the original texture sample?

Basically, I just want to pan slightly the result of a node network (to use a function similar to the Normal from Height Map function but with multiple texture samples blended together). Is it possible to add an uv input to the result, maybe?

(Ergh, this question is probably pretty silly :slight_smile: )


My goal is to add a Vector2 to coordinates at some point of the network, but only Texture Object and Samplers seems to have an uv input.
Yes, copying the textures and changing their coordinates would exactly do what iā€™m trying to achieve, but the original network contains three texture samplers and quite a lot of operations; since i need to pan the coordinates in three different ways (for each channel of the normal map) this would lead to a lot of extra operations and 9 new texture samplers.

Hmm, i dont understand. You already pan the result when you pan the textures that are in a network.

Edit: You can create copies of the textures in the same material if you want to use a non-panning sample of the same texture.


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