I’m just starting out with UE4 and BPs. I have something very specific in mind and I need some sort of tutorial of how to accomplish this and/or a functioning sample code, upon which I can learn from and improve upon.
What I’m trying to achieve is for tiles (in a 5-tile radius around the player character to be placed during game-play (or run-time, if that’s the correct phrase), with the vertices’ heights being set via a procedural function, so that, when moving around, the character would end up walking up / down of slopes and so it would seem like walking around in a landscape with hills and mountains and valleys basically. The vertices of the tiles, where their height changes, would need to connect, so there’s no gap in-between and I’d rather not use blocks and therefore not look Minecraft-style. And a new section of tiles would be created (as per procedural function) once the player character moves over the edge of a tile and the ones more than 5 tiles away would then be removed / destroyed, for performance reasons.
I have searched up-and-down for this but I can’t seem to find anyone else having tried this, the tutorials I did come across were related to spawning objects at the player position (or at random locations) on key-press, instead of when moving over tiles.
I very much appreciate help with this, like I said, I’m at a total loss about how this could be accomplished!