Interface list in "Does Implement Interface" is empty

I have created my own interface in C++ but when I try to select it in “Does Implement Interface” it’s not there, nor is a lot of other interfaces (see image nr 2):

Here is the list that should be visible in “Does Implement Interface”, with my own interface being the one named InteractInterface, this list is when adding an interface via the blueprint editor for an actor for example:

Here is my code for my interface:

#pragma once

#include "InteractInterface.generated.h"

// I have tried every possible combination of stuff in this interface, none of them makes it so the interface shows up in "Does Implement Interface"
UINTERFACE(BlueprintType, Blueprintable)
class UInteractInterface : public UInterface

class MY_API IInteractInterface

    UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, BlueprintNativeEvent, Category= "Interact")
    void InteractWith();

I have been searching for days now for a fix but I can’t seem to find one, so I assume it is a bug.