I am trying to instantiate a new FBitWriter object in a function. I’ve read that I could use NewObject, but am not sure how. Any Advice? FYI I am to used to instantiating an object in Java and other OOP languages.
NewObject is for UObject-derived types.
This is a struct. You can use it like a primitive local variable.
If you need to pass it around to sub functions, pass it by reference.
The constructor requires an existing buffer.
FButtonInput UInputTransmitter::EncodeInput(FButtionInput input)
TArray<uint8> buffer;
FBitWriter writer(buffer);
writer.PutBits(input.Id, 8);
// bytes have been written into buffer, do something with it...
void SomeFunction(FBitWriter& writer)
// do more things with writer passed by reference
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