Instance based games hosted on a server.

I have been working on my project for awhile now and finally have a single-player version worked out. I was working on a MoBA variant with my own ideas, and it’s strictly for fun and learning purposes, but now I’m trying to figure out how to go about the networking with Unreal.

I do have experience with server applications outside of Unreal and C++. I’ve done all of my game using blueprints, so my understanding of C++ is just being able to read it, mostly. I know that I could write my own external server application and then have game instances would be very simple, but I would like to make use of Unreal’s networking features to create a game-list, and multiple lobbies, as-well as make use of the built in physics. The only difference is, I want to host all of the game instances on my server. Meaning the player will never be the host, even if he created the lobby.

I’m looking for some good starting material on multiplayer lobbies and game instance initialization.

A great example would be a FPS that has multiple game modes. All of the logic for each game would be handled separately apart from the other games. I’m aware that I will have to make use of multiple ports to make this happen.

Any shove in the right direction would be great. I do have networking knowledge, but my knowledge of Unreal and C++ is a bit limited.