Installing Visual Studio 2013 not starting

Hallo Guys,

I´ve installed a new Windows 10 Education and the Unreal Engine 4.8.3.
Installing the Visual Studio 2013 community edition from the Unreal Editor start screen says that it is installing but does nothing (No network/CPU activity, no Download screen). I managed to find the underlying .exe
(Users//AppData/Local/Temp/UE4_SuggestedIDEInstaller.exe) but this .exe is crashing also.

A few weeks ago a had a similar problem with Win 7, there was the error message like the .exe is a unsupported 16 bit application. At this point I just waited for win 10.

I am an student and owning a Dreamspark account, so I am not limited to Visual Studio community edition.
But I don´t know which of the many Visual Studio version is the right one to download and how to connect the Unreal Editor and the Visual Studio.

Have you any idea how I can get a working c++ IDE ?
The best i´d like to get the Unreal Editor start screen installation working.

Yes it works just fine

I managed to work around the problem:

The Users//AppData/Local/Temp/UE4_SuggestedIDEInstaller.exe file can be opend with a text IDE and contans a URL where the installer can be found.

So is everything okay now?