So I spawn a status effect which is a separate BP say for setting the enemy on fire, damaging and spawning particles etc. It has a set life span which when destroyed removed the fire status.
If I hit the enemy with the same effect, is there a way to increase the spawned actors life time so that the time will stack? The Life Span node specifically states that the value should not be modified once play has begun. I could just spawn another one but then this would ruin the animation logic as the enemy will start the anim from the beginning not the loop stage
You can adjust actors life span on event in BP, I use it for a boss ability that spits webs everywhere, if untouched it destroys itself in a few seconds, if the player hits it it roots the player and destroys itself after another set time, if your meaning that you want it to stay until the enemy/player actor is destroyed id recommend and event dispatcher
the life span is equivalent of putting a Daley node at begin play and then followed by a destroy self.
if you want the lifetime can be changed real-time,you can create a float variable and put it in tick to subtract the delta time per frame.when the lifetime reached 0 then destroy the actor.(this situation is better to use actor component though )
Now you can change the lifetime variable freely