I’m running the nodes as the attachment shows but am getting varying results when using my finger input (laptop touch screen). My project is treating finger = mouse and when clicking around with the mouse in the viewport it’s all perfect, but when using my finger I get the correct result 30% of the time or so and the other times a finger touch return 0,0,0.
Is this a bug or am I missing something? Something with the finger index?
Get Hit Result… node has a Return Value output which returns True if hit something, False otherwise. When it does not hit anything, Hit Result returns all 0s. If you would check for Return Value (with a Branch) and draw line only if True, it would fix the problem.
Thanks for looking into this - I’ll check this when I get to sit down with this again but are you saying ‘Get Hit Result…’ returns differently depending on whether I’m using a mouse or finger, even if my project is set to use mouse as touch input?