‘in air’ check problems after using “Jump”.
I’m using Paper2D and am having difficulties with returning a proper ‘in air’ result after using the Jump event.
My routine is that I call Jump then perform a flipbook update check. Within my flipbook check I use IsFalling to determine if the character is in the air or not.
However, the problem I’m having is that when I check IsFalling immediately after calling Jump I get a FALSE response. In addition to that the Z velocity is reporting 0.
The easy solution is to set the jump animation immediately after calling jump but NO, that is not the right solution.
Is there an event called perhaps when the player leaves the ground? Or are there any suggestions to resolve this?
Also when Event Landed is called IsFalling still reports true.
I know a lot of tutorials suggest spamming the update animation method, which does work; but, I can’t imagine that’s good practice or efficient. I’m currently only calling mine when I need to.