Okay, so I have this art that I did in zbrush (20 or so characters, 50 plus other objects). Spent hours upon hours on it but now I have hit a wall. I cannot for the life of me find a decent tutorial that will import everything I need from Zbrush 4r6 to 3dsmax or blender so that I can create an FBX to put in Unreal. I can handle the level design, I can handle particle creation, I can handle programming but the bloody modeling portion is killing me! I feel like I am missing something pretty easy with Goz where I am going to face palm myself into oblivion. In the event you can direct me to a decent tutorial expect special mention in my credits as “<name>the most bad *** mother f****** to ever live.”
Hi Amkzul,
Aktually that is not Unreal engine dependent, its more a general thing.
You have to make a Reduced Polycount Object, either per hand or per Decimation master in Zbrush. Then you have zu unwreap them and render a Diffuse and normal map. I think you can render these maps in zbrush now a days or you use xnormal. For better materials you also need a roughness and maybe a metalic map. Next you take your lowpoly mesh with all the maps and if needed make a second uv channel for lighting and export the models like descriped in the unreal wiki.
I think you can finde a lot of tutorials if you search on youtube (“Game ready zbrush”, “zbrush high to low poly” etc)
Hope that helps.
I appreciate the input dominic, while i am aware that it is not unreal dependent I am none the less stuck. Like I said the art part is my bane, Mostly I feel i just need a visual representation of the process particularly zbrush to 3ds/blender. I have watched a lot of tutorials but most of them seem to completely side step goz or fall outside of my technical ability with the programs. I mean I can get my low poly models over to 3ds but sadly when I do this I seem to lose my textures and all I have is a black mass in 3ds… which again I lack technical skills and about all I can do is imitate tutorials
Hey, In order to help you, I need to understand where to start. Does the phrase ‘unwrapping UVs’ ring any bells to you?
Sure does, though I was under the impression that Zbrush was supposed to do that for me during the export process? Bah, a pox on 3d modeling!
No, Zbrush has a feature called UV Master, which can be useful sometimes for rough tests (ZBrush). But most of the time you’d want to create UV maps on your own. This is a great series of tutorials which explain this topic really nice and with a decent amount of fun during the process - v=B-2e0X-xKy0&list=PL-6Cc041bQD8qVJDJEm8kSfza8EkIdPk8&index=5
Thanks, I’ll watch the videos. Appreciate the help man.