Import Skeletal Mesh from Maya : 90 degres wrong axis.

Hello people,

I just import my model from MAYA 2015 to Unreal Engine 4 and I got my model in the wrong way :frowning:

It cause me that the ball eyes are in the wrong direction too !

So, is there a way inside unreal engine 4 to fix that or I have to make something in maya ?

(I was thinking about the Skeleton Editor but I never use that before. If we turn the bones it could be done ? I find a update refpose but I can’t make it work :()

Rotate the object in Maya 90 Degres?

Fixing it in Maya is probably ideal, but rotations on the root can be finicky depending on what you’re doing in there. It’s definitely possible to fix this in the editor though. In Persona, check out the “mesh details” panel -> Transform settings. Fiddle with the Import Rotation settings and then reimport your mesh (just right click on your skeletal mesh in the content browser for that). Cheers!

Thanks guys !
I talk with people and I think we going to fix that directly in MAYA. But nice tricks too !

(but for the final rendering I think it’s better on maya ^^ You’re right)