I want call custom event(or function) in blueprint(not level blueprint) from in C++

I want call customevent(or function) in blueprint(not level blueprint) from in C++.,

I’m not speak english, then understand…


Not an event, but I’ve described how to create a Custom Blueprint.
Please refer to it when it is good.

First of all you need to know that event in blueprint are just cosmetically different looking functions in C++, but they work like functions in blueprint and in C++ they are normal functions. In C++ you declare event as a virtual function with special UFUNCTION specifier

UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category = "Some Category")
virtual void OnSomeEvent();

And thats it! now you just call OnSomeEvent() in code to trigger event :slight_smile: You can add arguments too. If i’m not mistaken you can also C++ code to be triggered in C++ by making function, but i’m not sure, you might need BlueprintNativeEvent for that insted:

void ASomeActor::OnSomeEvent_Implementation() {


You dont need to decler that in header file UHT generate that for you. Also you can’t code function you declered event, insted it got code to support event generated.

Now thats are standard events, there limitation is you can call only event in specific class, to make event that calls some other event in other class, like components has, you need to use delegates, here you got info how to use them:

it’s not custom blueprint, keep in mind blueprint is valid class same as C++, look on Class Viewer