I am trying to make a game where you have a flashlight, i am trying to get the flashlight to always face the camera. But i am unable to find the bpi node in class settings in the player bp.
Did you recompile?
Does not sound like a job for a BP interface to be honest. Why not attach the flashlight to the camera? Besides that, even if you wanted to tick-rotate the flashlight, you can do it without the interface.
You’d need an interface if you wanted to communicate something a flashlight can understand, like on/off, or recharge batteries, repair…
Sorry I am so late getting back to this, I took a short break from my game. Anyway how would I attach the flashlight model to the camera?
Maybe for what you are looking for you do not need to use Blueprints.
In Unreal Engine you can “Attach” any object in scene yo another simply dragging the object you want to attach to the object you want it to be attached. (What is usually called parenting “child to parent”)
With this an item will follow Location and rotation. So, you can attach a Spot Light to a Camera.
Just drag the Spot Light, that should be Movable, to the camera in the Outliner until it looks like this.
(Here I attached a Table to the camera)
And every movement of the Camera will be seen in the light too.
I hope it helps you!