i have user widget that have variable and i need to show this user widget on a texture any help? unreal engine 5 and blueprints

i’m trying to print my user widget on a texture any help?

Hello @anonymous_user_8c02695a3325, you probably should give more details on the problem you are facing so that you can get a better answer.

If what you want is to show a widget in your viewport and have that widget show a texture, then you need to do 2 different things.

First, setup your widget UI in the Designer section of the widget’s blueprint.

Then, you need to create an instance of this widget and add it to your viewport. This can be done in many places, depends on the use of your widget. If this is part of your core gameplay, you could do this in the GameMode.

Inside the GameMode blueprint, in the BeginPlay you would have to do something like this:

the Class field in the “create HUD Widget” node would be a reference to the widget that you created before.

Hope this helps.

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hello thanks for your help
i will give you more details
I bought a studio for a tv show on unreal
and in this studio there is a tv screen made with material and texture on it that show an image from the tv screen
what I want is to print my user widget on the texture of the tv screen so I can see my widget on tv screen of the studio
the tv screen is made of material and have an image texture to present the screen output