So i am trying to create a system where the goal post actor starts following the actor that overlaps it. Sounds simple enough, but i have been loosing my mind over this one! Here is the details. In below picture you see the main logic. Basically, when the actor overlaps the character. We check if we are server, so we can trust this. If we are server, we check that are we on the right side of the goal post. If we are, we check all the nearby character and put them in array.
In C++, if there are multiple characters overlapping, we are going to take the most right one and set that as a leading character. This is handled by the server. Right after that, we are going to multicast and activate the Ticking. Tick will make the goal post to follow the leading character(that is replicated, set by server).
Problem is that everything works if the currently leading character dies and other character runs past the goal post. However, if the leading character is still alive and other character will run pass him, the leading character won’t be updated. I have been trying everything, but this same issue still remains. It has been god know how long and i have been unable to fix this :).
Here is the video: Problem with multiplayer - YouTube
Here is code when the player dies. Not sure if there is anything important, because the logic works, IF the leading character dies. And yes, i have been trying to set the leading character to null in other places too, but the issue doesn’t seem to be because of that.
Any help, please? Thank you.