Hunger system problems (help)

Here is the video with my broblem
my problem is if i start the “game” for test i die immediately why? I made a mistake?

Yes you made some mistake somewhere, cannot say where because you did not show actual blueprints you made.

But before adding pictures here, print health (or hunger value) on screen. You could set starting value wrong, or you could decrease it on event tick by some large number (thus dying 1sec or less), or your branch should be opposite. There are countless reasons to why this works wrong, and without clear view on blueprint graph all of it is guessing.

i recommend you to do this tutorial:

or post whole BP screen

What is the default value for your “Player Hunger” variable?

I set the hunger player to 25

Nobody will make the effort to answer you if you don’t make any effort to help us help you.

Yes, i know sorry but i was in the city with my family