Huge hit to Editor/Game performance while SteamVR is Running

With 4.9 I switched over from using the Oculus runtime and headset to running SteamVR and the Vive. Since switching I’ve noticed a large hit to my performance when SteamVR is running and my headset is turned on.

Here are my findings and associated workflow:
(note: this is NOT in a default unreal project but the Map I’m profiling is basically empty)

UE4 Editor
**(~120fps) **
Work flow Order:
Start UE4 via Visual Studio
Open Combat Test Map

UE4 Editor + SteamVR running (Headset USB Hub is turned off)
Work Flow Order:
Make sure Vive Headset is not connected (turn off USB Hub)
Start SteamVR,
Start UE4 via Visual Studio
Open Combat Test Map

UE4 Editor + Vive Headset Connected + Unreal AutoStarted HMD Window (No SteamVR running)
Work Flow Order:
Turn on Headset hub, let computer recognize new display
Start UE4 via Visual Studio
(Unreal automatically opens/creates the HMD Window)
Open Combat Test Map

UE4 Editor + Vive Headset Connected + SteamVR Running
Work Flow Order:
Turn on Headset hub, let computer recognize new display,
Start SteamVR,
Start UE4 via Visual Studio
Open Combat Test Map

Is anyone else seeing a similar perf hit?

My Specs:
GTX 970
16gb Ram
Intel i7-4790

With the new update I’ve been able to capture the Frame Timings for two cases:

1.) Running the SteamVR Longbow Demo.
2.) Running vanilla Unreal 4.9.1 in VR Preview with a completely empty level

Here are the results:

Is this expected? It seems pretty heavy on the GPU for an empty level. Compositor doing that much work?

Well… we found the issue. My cpu fan was being blocked by a loose wire (/sigh). Looks like the CPU was throttling itself to save it from certain death. Here is a screenshot of both the Longbow and the Unreal PIE empty level:

For reference, here are my previous timings:

Note that SteamVR is trying to “race the beam” in figuring out when to actually render frames. This is a highly complex process.
It could be that you’re not keeping up with the desired frame rate, and thus end up at half-frame-rate because it interlocks with the “vsync” of the headset.

If you have AO enabled in your Post Processing **disable **it by setting its intensity to 0 or disabling it in the project settings. There was a regression on it in 4.9 that causes it to cost way more than it should and it is choking out VR performance.