I am rather new to unreal (but have been a programmer forever) I’m having trouble finding the “right way” to do something which hopefully is pretty simple.
Out in the “real world” I have a 1/10th scale RC car with WiFi, a micro controller, compass, video camera and GPS on it. Anything with WiFi can drive the car around by sending little 6 byte control messages with steering angle and motor speed to the car’s UDP socket. The car can also send it’s compass heading, GPS and other info back to a device by UDP.
The simplest thing I want to do is receive a UDP message from the car with the compass heading and display a compass in UE4. So basically I need to know how to receive a UDP message in UE4, and get the int16 compass heading (0-359) into blueprint so I can use it to rotate a compass object in UE4 to point the right direction.
Once I see how to receive the simple UDP compass message into blueprint, I’m sure I can figure out the rest.
I found a lot of stuff talking about different ways to do this but not sure which one to use. Can anyone give me a pointer to a reference that explains this?
Once I have the basic stuff working, I’ll be building a whole dashboard for the car.
EDIT: Forgot to mention I wrote all the code that’s running on the car, so I can change the way it communicates if that makes talking to the Unreal Engine any easier.