How to use a PlayerController to possess a Pawn spawned by the GameMode ?

I have a GameMode, a PlayerController and a Pawn class.
In the GameMode constructor I spawn my pawn and store it a private array

	auto* spawnedPawn = GetWorld() ? GetWorld()->SpawnActor<ASecondPawn>() : nullptr;
	if (spawnedPawn)

In the pawn class constructor I make it autopossess Player0

 	//...Other stuff...
	AutoPossessPlayer = EAutoReceiveInput::Player0;

In the PlayerController I declare a private pawn member and try to possess the pawn linked to the Player0

void AMainPlayerController::BeginPlay()

	auto* spawnedPawn = GetWorld() ? UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerPawn(GetWorld(), 0) : nullptr;
	if (spawnedPawn)
		_PossesedPawn = spawnedPawn;

The pawn is spawned and inside the controller I can see my pawn but the AttachToPawn() has no effect as the 2 actors are still separated in the world outliner.