For a school project, I have to work with Unreal Engine 4.9.1, but the problem is that I can’t find how I can update. I downloaded 4.9.0 via the Epic Games Launcher, and I can’t see where I can update it to the latest patch. I’ve tried searching for it online, but I’ve only found a list of things 4.9.1 fixes on this forum, but not a how-to on how to update my current Unreal Engine version.
Can anyone tell me how to do it, or point me in a direction where it is laid out?
Hi MorphysLaw!
If you start up your launcher again and look in the library, the yellow drop-down menu directly beneath the “4.9.0” text in the engine slot *should *have an option marked “Update”. Just click that guy.
It should, but it doesn’t. Is there another way of updating to 4.9.1?
Screenshot for clarity: ://i.imgur/UseziGi.png
What happens when you try to update?
Otherwise do it like that -> click on add version - choose the latest version -try it again 
I don’t have the update option. Screenshot here: ://i.imgur/UseziGi.png
When I click on “add version”, it only shows version 4.8.3 to me.
Click the “resume” button, then it will continue the update