How to stop saves on a specific path

Hey folks!
I wrote a custom AssetManager class for a project where we don’t want to modify assets in a given folder. It basically checks the path that is being saved and if the asset has a read-only flag set on its metadata, and sets the RF_TRANSIENT flag to it . The only property it allows to change is the metadata (the read-only flag has to come from somewhere after all). It looks like this:

#include "LibAssetManager.h"
#include "UObject/ObjectSaveContext.h"
#include "EditorAssetLibrary.h"

#define READONLY_TAG "is_readonly"
#define RESTRICTED_FOLDER "Restricted_Folder"
#define METADATA_PROPERTY "PackageMetaData"

void ULibAssetManager::OnObjectPreSave(UObject* Object, FObjectPreSaveContext SaveContext) {
	// Get path to the asset that is being saved
	FString objectPath = *Object->GetPathName();
	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT("Saving path: %s"), *objectPath);

	// Check if it is within the Library
	if (objectPath.Contains(RESTRICTED_FOLDER)) {
		// Get the readOnly flag
		FString isReadOnly = UEditorAssetLibrary::GetMetadataTag(Object, READONLY_TAG);

		// If the readOnly flag is set and we are NOT just changing the asset metadata, do not save the asset
		if (isReadOnly == READONLY_TAG_VALUE && !objectPath.Contains(METADATA_PROPERTY)) {
			UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT("Is in library with read-only flag, will not save %s"), *objectPath);


This was working on Unreal 5.3.1. But after upgrading to 5.3.2, no asset is saved on the restricted folder anymore. My guess is that the TRANSIENT flag isn’t doing what I expect and is instead marking the asset for deletion instead of stopping the serialization. What would be the best way to stop serialization in this case?