specifally i have in blueprint my widget and this widget correct display on World but I want after Character click on specific keyboard I need to scale (display) to my screen.
How to do this?
specifally i have in blueprint my widget and this widget correct display on World but I want after Character click on specific keyboard I need to scale (display) to my screen.
How to do this?
I’m assuming you’re using the Widget Component.
To make it fill the screen, change its Space to Screen, and change its Render Size to the size of your viewport.
You will also position the widget component such that it centers on the screen.
You may also be able to just take the widget out of the widget component, and add it directly to the viewport, and then take it out again and put it back when you’re done.
I have tried but it’s not fixed to the screen. I need to close keyboard input? After move character it’s not in center.
WIth directly viewport is ok, but is possible insert into my staticmesh in blueprint if used viewport?
If used viewport and blueprint widget component i don’t see the same website if already I browsed in widget blueprint component.
That’s why I said you also have to move the widget to a 3D world position that projects to the center of the screen.
Are you saying that you’re using a web control, and it resets the loaded page if you take the widget out of the world 3D context, and put the same widget object into the screen 2D context?
If so, you’re gonna have to write some C++ to get where you want to go, or do something hacky with render-to-texture.