How To Play Single Audio When Multiple Same Audios Are Triggers By Multiple Actors

So as topic, I was wondering how to just play a single sound when same sounds happening at the same time. Since when multiple audios playing at once, the volume multiplies and probably make player’s ear injured if not deaf lol
The struggle is that how to limit it when the audio comes from different actors and not the same one?
for example, if you shoot a explosive barrel, the explosion sound plays once, what if you throw a rocket into a dozen of them and trigger explosion all at once?
Many thanks!

hey @Guesscui2018 ,

you can make specific sound only play for X amount by do some setting in the soundcue.

If you set the max count to one, there won’t be any overlapping sound that played at the same time.

Thanks a lot! I don’t know how long it will take me to find that setting :slight_smile:

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