How to move Spline camera being run charater?

I have a character and a spline camera at the same time, and I want to leave the character still, is there any way to move the camera? I searched on YouTube on the Internet, but there is no information. The picture at the bottom is the direction I want to move.

Hey @rnsrhrnak467!

To help get the ball rolling, let me make sure that we have this right as what you are wanting to do is not quite clear. To clarify, you are wanting to:

  • Move a camera along a spline
  • Keep said spline around a character
  • Keep the camera facing the character

Is that correct? Any additional specifics or info you can provide may go a long way in solving your problem!

Thanks I soving that problem. Have a good day :slight_smile:

Hey @rnsrhrnak467!

That’s great! Would you mind sharing your solution just in case someone else runs into the same or a similar problem as you?

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