How to make player move towards mouse location on W? Top Down Game

Hello :slight_smile:
How to make player move towards mouse location on W? Top Down Game
I was able to do sth like this. I’m not sure why he is changing speed and sliding on the ground!

Here is a video:

Because your mouse location is changing and there is nothing easing the movement.

To do this properly youd have to stop the character each time the mouse moves drastically. Wait for the rotation, then apply movement again.

oh, thanks for the answer, do you have an idea, how i can do this?

Why aren’t you using the character’s forward vector for the direction?

You use world direction, that vector could have various length.
So normalize it and then multiply by some “speed” value.

Also DEBUG is usually what you need for quirks like this. So draw trace line from player to world location of mouse to see what you are getting from that node.