How to make my character go up before dashing?

Please bear with me, as this is my first question here on AnswerHub.

I am looking to find out how to make it in my PlayerController so the player jumps or gets sent up in the air before dashing forwards. Currently, it seems to just be dashing forwards regardless and the player has to perform a jump before quickly moving their hand to SHIFT, pressing the Space Bar and SHIFT at the same time to perform the jump.

Any ideas? I was thinking about performing another Launch Character on the Z axis before the dash Launch Character blueprint segment is performed.

This is how it is set up.
Please excuse the mess, I tried to fit it all in. ;-;

Thanks in advance!

Your idea is correct, try using another “Launch Character” along the Up Vector and then use a “Delay” node and call the “Launch Character” forward.

Btw: for this to work properly you should move the “Set Recon Jump: False” right after the branch so the jump is not triggered multiple times

Thank you so much! It works perfectly now.
I really appreciate it. ^^
Have a nice day!