How to lock mouse to the center screen


I need to create a HUD for oculus DK2. So I use the mouse position to create my own cursor. But the mouse position is lock on the viewport and the viewport have a less resolution that the DK2.
So I want to lock the mouse on the center of the screen and analyse the delta on each frame. but I diden’t found the setter mouse position.


Finally I found the solution.
I create my own controller class in C++.
And I use this kind of code :

void ASecondPlayerController::SetMousePosition(float LocationX, float LocationY)
    	if (this->Player == NULL)
    	FViewport* v = CastChecked<ULocalPlayer>(this->Player)->ViewportClient->Viewport;
    	int intX = (int)LocationX;
    	int intY = (int)LocationY;
    	v->SetMouse(intX, intY);