When an actor follow the player to attack it mesh enter my player mesh , no i dont mean the actor go through my catcher as it dont have colosin what am saying is the actor is an animal and it head go trough my mesh and it start attacking it look goofy specaily in first person becasue the camera would be inside the actor camera how to make a distance the actor cant go to and the also the player himself cant go so a
What method are you using atm? Taking into accounts that most dogs are oblong in shape, you could get the dimension of the dog like so:
And use that as Acceptance Radius (if you’re using it) rather than a fixed value so it works with animals of any size. Ideally, you’d incorporate the size of the player into the calculation as well.
To do it better, you’d have a socket on the attacking part of the dog and base the calculation off that instead.
I assume you are using “Ai move to”node to move the attacker.
Set the acceptance input on the node to 150, so the enemy stop moving when reach the distance of 1.5 meters away from the player .
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