Hello everyone! Maybe my question is simple, but I’m a beginner and I need help. I have a VerticalBox on the widget, and several Horizontal Boxes are placed on it. I need to get the coordinates of the Horizontal Boxes to get something like OnHovered in the Button element. Thanks!
Hi there.
So the direct answer is GetCachedGeometry. It has a bunch of stuff, including where it is in local screen space.
However if you just want to know when the user hovers over a button, you don’t have to do all that work. Instead, select your button, scroll down to Events and Click the symbol by On Hovered. This will add an event link to your EventGraph that you can add code to whenever the mouse enters the control.
Hi! Thanks for you answer! I know about Buttons Events. And I want to make such events for horizontal boxes or Text Blocks or Vertical Boxes, etc…
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