How to get framerate independent pawn rotation?

Hi, I’m really new to ue4 and I can’t get framerate independent rotation on my pawn. I’ve tested using the t.MaxFPS in the editor and the framerate is changing the sensitivity. Here’s the first attempt using the tick function.

void AMainCharacter::Tick( float DeltaTime )
	Super::Tick( DeltaTime );

	NewCameraRotation = GetActorRotation();

	NewCameraRotation.Pitch += ( DeltaTime * AxisValue.Y * CamerRotationSpeed );

	NewCameraRotation.Yaw += ( DeltaTime * AxisValue.X * CamerRotationSpeed );

	SetActorRotation( NewCameraRotation );

void AMainCharacter::PlayerLookUp( float value )
	AxisValue.Y = value;

void AMainCharacter::PlayerLookRight( float value )
	AxisValue.X = value;

Here’s the second attempt using the controller.

void AMainCharacter::PlayerLookUp( float value )
	AddControllerPitchInput( value * CamerRotationSpeed
							 * GetWorld()->GetDeltaSeconds() );

void AMainCharacter::PlayerLookRight( float value )
	AddControllerYawInput( value * CamerRotationSpeed
						   * GetWorld()->GetDeltaSeconds() );

Isn’t deltatime used for things like this? Is there sth else I should read up on?

Dear valued Unreal Engine user,

Have you tried without using detatime on both the Tick function and Look functions?

If the input is coming from something like a controller or a mouse, the value is either going to be a fixed absolute value of the current position or a delta from the last position.

If the mouse is already coming in as a delta from the last position, then you should be able to use that value directly as it would have been sampled the last time the game Ticked.

For example, possibly try just calling AddControllerPitchInput(value).

Thank you for your continued support,