How to get Animation Starter Pack in ?

How to get Animation Starter Pack in ? Is there any chance download this.

The short answer is you can’t, without the launcher which doesn’t work on …perhaps one day there will be a version of the launcher.

This looks promising but there hasn’t been much activity lately:

This is cool. Do you know if it still works/allows for downloads of the stuff? If so I can look into it and make it work under , or anybody can for that matter.

It never allowed for downloads that I know of, contact Allar (the creator) he would be in a better position to answer your questions on it.

Animation pack works when get it. I have to use github to get animation pack downloaded for my project. I have not any Windows OS to use. But this is also cool if some day we get UE4 marketplace working.

if starter packs are free. Could developers to add them to github. At the same which can be found in the UE4Editor source code.

Download, and add to project on windows, copy folder to. Honestly the best way to deal with the current lack of a launcher on

I think the best way would be people helping themselves and uploading all their assets to github for other people. The ultimate best way would be for Epic to let us have the launcher code so we can make our own launcher.

I don’t have Windows installed at all. So work around the problem is difficult.