How to estimate and give a range of triangle count, material count, ect. that the artists should obey before game project start? eg. for various platforms such as PC, Android, IOS, VR

how to estimate and give a range of triangle count, material count, ect. that the artists should obey before game project start? eg. for various platforms such as PC, Android, IOS, VR.

or is there official standard like this:

your question is too broad. you assume that someone has a list of every type of game and every platform etc.
it depends very much on what you want. for ex, there are different requirements for 4k 30fps than 1080 60fps (both on pc/console). it also depends on the type of game and gameplay…

yep, my fault. thank you. so is there any other way except build a demo including every types of objects then running on various platforms, then modify the account of objects, do many test then have a estimation before the project started?

Hi, you could take a look at those here

Generally speaking I would say there are much easier ways to break your performance than vertex count / material count… =)

And those costs also depend on other things, so its not like some mesh with 10000 polys will always cost you the same (e. g. vertex shader, dynamic lightning or not, overdraw/overshading so the mesh topology and due to overshading then the pixel shader, …).

So you could also watch through this here An In-Depth look at Real-Time Rendering | Course

so is there any other way except build a demo including every types of objects then running on various platforms, then modify the account of objects, do many test then have a estimation before the project started?

There are a ton of free marketplace assets including levels at the marketplace (and also sample projects from epic under the learn tab) which you can download and profile (see how they perform and look at their assets)

Thank you very much!

eg. the PC game which 4K 60fps to support OculusRift