How to display a mesh/object from my level into a widget?

Currently I’m using a ‘cheat’ method of having meshes with camera’s assigned above them and the game simply switches to that camera when the user enters a trigger box and presses a key. Once the camera changes it locks the player’s movement/rotation through cinematic mode and then disables it once they’ve stopped viewing the object.

How would I go about doing this by loading the viewed mesh into the center of the player’s camera via a widget?

Im dont quite understand your question,

but i do believe that you are trying something like this?:


This approach can be achieved with a ScreenCapture.
This ScreenCapture renders into a RenderTextureTarget.

Out of this RenderTextureTarget you would create a Material.

Your Widget would have an Image-Widget, and is bound to a
dynamic Material Instance from the rendered Material.

Thanks for for the information but I’m not sure that’s what I’m looking for. Sorry if I wasn’t clear, I’ll upload an image to show what I mean as an example.

Basically when you ‘interact’ with an object/mesh in the game, it should appear in the center of the player’s camera to view it.

I’m not sure how you would achieve this effect?