How to detect materials when they are blended?

This question comes from wanting to understand how to play footstep sounds for the characters. Currently we know how to program a blueprints that detects the physics material on the stepping surface through a raycast from the feet. The question is if the floor has blended materials, what can information can i get so i can blend also my footstep audios. Lets say the character is stepping on grassy terrain and walking towards a more and more rocky terrain, the grass and rock terrain is blended. How should i get information about the terrain im stepping on?

whichever material has greater weight will report its physics material.

you can view layers here:

thank you for your answer. Do you know a way to detect the weight of each material on that specific point the raycast hits?

I don’t, sorry. Probably have to dig into the C++ source to see where they do and modify from that.

A dirty hack you could do is do several line traces around immediate area and if there are multiple material types, chose whichever has greatest percentage.