There are 3 animation-based questions I have:
- How to move bones to correlate with an object?
- How to separate animation bones to play differently (i.e A ‘pick-up’ animations playing while the character is moving
- How to resize animations so they don’t look broken?
To expand on the first:
I am using the ‘Interaction system’ paired with the ‘Scifi robot’ player model (Both were on the marketplace) and am using it for a gameplay loop of moving objects (storage, etc). Basically what I’m trying to do is have it so when I ‘Interact’ (Lmb) with an object from the ‘Interaction system’, it plays a ‘holding’ animations. As of right now, I have it to the point where if it is any piece of geometry, the animation plays; (and to add to this question of a non-animation subject, how to make it so when the player ‘hold’ the input, the animation plays until it’s let go?) What I’m trying to figure out, however, is how to make it so the arms actually move with the object (Screenshots below) instead of just being straight - this would require some sort of sway to make it seem more natural.
To expand on the second:
Whenever I click a peice of geometry (Trying to figure out how to make it only actually ‘pickup-able’ objects) and the animation plays, the character stops moving. I figure this would require additive animations, but after watching a couple videos, it’s either I’m doing something wrong or it just doesn’t work for what I’m trying to do
To expand on the third question:
I have been trying to set-up animations to the player model - which I resized to 1.3x/y/z to make it larger and so far the only animations I find that don’t make it look ugly where some free mocap animations. I have tried making my own in Cascaduer, rigging in AccuRIG, and all inbetween; they all come out looking really unnatural.